Dhamma Sugandha, Bhose near Miraj, Sangli

Offering courses in Vipassana Meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka

Teenage 7 Day Vipassana Course

Vipassana courses are conducted for teenagers in the age group 15 years completed to 19 years.

These course are conducted in specific centers like - every month at Dhamma Giri, Igatpuri and during summer holidays at Dhamma Punna, Swargate, Pune City Center, Dhammalaya, Kolhpur Center, Dhamma Siddhapuri, Solapur, Center etc.. Check course schedule of those centers for course dates or use link given below:
Teenager course schedule for Maharashtra

Note: The teenager participants who want to join the course must read & accept the Code of Discipline and only then fill the application form for the courses, giving full details as requested in the form. Parents' approval is also required.

The participants will be personally interviewed by an Assistant Teacher before giving admission for the course. The purpose of the interview is to explain the serious nature of the course and ensure the teenager is willing and interested to join the course and is ready to observe the course discipline.

The procedure for admission for Teenager’s Course is given below:

Download the application form and print it out. You can send it by Speed Post or hand-deliver it to respective center office.

Download Teenagers Application Form

Download Code of Discipline - Hindi

Download Code of Discipline - English

Contact Us

Center Address :
Sangli Vipassana Meditation Centre,
‘Dhammasugandha’ Gat No. 564, 5 No. Talaav Road,
Near Yallama Temple, Khamkarwadi, A/p. Bhose, Tal. Miraj,
Dist. Sangli - 416420 [Maharashtra]
Mob. : 9222161236, 7249711008, 9665633345

Office Mailing Address :
Sangli Vipassana Meditation Centre,
C/o. Chougule-Patil Consultants Pvt. Ltd.,
Studio 8-8-8, Local Board Colony,
Behind Tata Petrol Pump, Miraj Road, Sangli - 416416

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Vipassana Research Institute Vipassana Research Institute