Dhamma Sugandha, Bhose near Miraj, Sangli

Offering courses in Vipassana Meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka

Directions to the Center

Dhamma Sungadha Vipassana Center, near Khamkar wadi, is located in hilly area about 2.5 km walking distance from Yallamma Temple, Bhose, which is 18 km from Miraj on Ratnagiri-Miraj–Pandharpur-Hyderabad highway (NH 166).

By Public Transport

To reach the center by public transport, you can first come to Sangli or Miraj. Sangli & Miraj are well connected by Railways & ST bus services.

  • From Sangli : Take a shared jeep for Kavathe Mahankal/Jat and get down at Yallamma temple, Bhose.

  • From Miraj : From Miraj bus stand take a City/ST service bus or from Miraj Mission Hospital Chowk take a shared jeep for Kavathe Mahankal/Jat and get down at Yallamma temple, Bhose (Do not take city bus going to Bhose or get down at Bhose Phata)

  • From Kavathe Mahankal/Jat or Solapur-Pandharpur side : Take a city/ ST service bus or shared jeep and request a stop & get down at Yallama temple, Bhose.

After getting down from Bus/ Shared jeep at Yallama temple, Bhose the center is about 2.5 km walking distance from there.

By Private Transport

You can also reach the center by your own car or two wheeler. Parking space is available at the center.

  • Take Ratnagiri/ Kolhapur to Solapur/ Hyderabad Highway NH 166 to reach Yallamma temple, Bhose
  • Come up to Jai Bhavani Stone Crusher (take U turn at immediate underpass after Yallamma Temple if coming from Sangali/Miraj side)
  • Turn left towards Khamkar wadi from highway (700m)
  • Take left turn at Khamkar wadi to 5 No. Talaav Road up to center (1.8 km)

Dhamma Sungadha Vipassana Center

Near Bhose Talaav Road, Bhose, Maharashtra 416420

Google location : https://maps.app.goo.gl/Ms14ENLhifWQKmAh8

Contact Us

Center Address :
Sangli Vipassana Meditation Centre,
‘Dhammasugandha’ Gat No. 564, 5 No. Talaav Road,
Near Yallama Temple, Khamkarwadi, A/p. Bhose, Tal. Miraj,
Dist. Sangli - 416420 [Maharashtra]
Mob. : 9222161236, 7249711008, 9665633345

Office Mailing Address :
Sangli Vipassana Meditation Centre,
C/o. Chougule-Patil Consultants Pvt. Ltd.,
Studio 8-8-8, Local Board Colony,
Behind Tata Petrol Pump, Miraj Road, Sangli - 416416

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