Dhamma Sugandha, Bhose near Miraj, Sangli

Dhamma Sugandha, Bhose near Miraj, Sangli

Offering courses in Vipassana Meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka

Group Sittings Miraj/Sangli Area

Area Day Time Address Contact
Jaysingpur Every Thursday & Sunday (Except 4 th Sunday) 6 am to 7 am M/s. Vrajlal Shah office Shraddha Sankul 6th Lane, Near KDC Bank, Jaysingpur 9423275794, 9763710551
Sangli Every Sunday 8 am to 9 am Manav Rahat Trust, c/o Ghodawat Diagnostic Centre 3rd Floor, Near Civil Hospital 9423275794, 9763710551

Contact Us

Center Address :
Sangli Vipassana Meditation Centre,
‘Dhammasugandha’ Gat No. 564, 5 No. Talaav Road,
Near Yallama Temple, Khamkarwadi, A/p. Bhose, Tal. Miraj,
Dist. Sangli - 416420 [Maharashtra]
Mob. : 9222161236, 7249711008, 9665633345

Office Mailing Address :
Sangli Vipassana Meditation Centre,
C/o. Chougule-Patil Consultants Pvt. Ltd.,
Studio 8-8-8, Local Board Colony,
Behind Tata Petrol Pump, Miraj Road, Sangli - 416416

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