Dhamma Sugandha (Fragrance of Dhamma) is a new Vipassana centre coming up on 4.25 acre land at the base of Dandoba Forest sanctuary hills surrounded by forest land on three sides.
The center is about 2.5 km from Khamkar wadi, about 8 km from Bhose village on Miraj–Pandharpur highway and about 20 km from Miraj Railway Station in Sangli District in the state of Maharashtra.
All statutory Government compliances for the centre development activities have been completed. The statutory compliances are up to date till March 2023.
In 2017 Vipassana courses for about 25 students was started in temporary facilities. Two 10 day courses are conducted every month since then and on 2nd March 2023 Dhamma Sugandha has completed its 100th Vipassana course. It will be completing its 150th course in April 2025. Till date over 3000 male & female students have benefitted from these courses.
Presently under Phase I, the construction work of the Main & Mini Dhamma halls, Residential quarters for 70 students, Dhamma servers & Teachers rooms have been completed. They are in use since April 2022. Now the course capacity is 50 males & 20 females.
In Phase II, additional residential quarters for 40 students / Dhamma servers, administrative office, Kitchen & dining buildings, staff quarters are planned and the construction is expected to start in near future.
After completion of Phase II, in Phase III Pagoda construction would be taken up.
The Dhammasugandha centre when fully completed will have a capacity for 60 male & 40 female students.
Center Address :
Sangli Vipassana Meditation Centre,
‘Dhammasugandha’ Gat No. 564, 5 No. Talaav Road,
Near Yallama Temple, Khamkarwadi, A/p. Bhose, Tal. Miraj,
Dist. Sangli - 416420 [Maharashtra]
Mob. : 9222161236, 7249711008, 9665633345
Office Mailing Address :
Sangli Vipassana Meditation Centre,
C/o. Chougule-Patil Consultants Pvt. Ltd.,
Studio 8-8-8, Local Board Colony,
Behind Tata Petrol Pump, Miraj Road, Sangli - 416416