Dhamma Sugandha, Bhose near Miraj, Sangli

Dhamma Sugandha, Bhose near Miraj, Sangli

Offering courses in Vipassana Meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka

What is MITRA Upakram?

Vipassana Research Institute, Igatpuri and Vipassana Centers are jointly, with Government of Maharashatra, offering a program called MITRA Project for the benefit of the teachers & students. The primary focus of the project is on students and teachers from primary & secondary schools, junior & senior colleges, higher, technical & professional educational institutions. The objective of MITRA Project is facilitate an all round mental, academic and personality development of students & teachers through regular practice of Anapana Meditation.

Anapana Meditation is pure objective observation of the incoming and outgoing breath.

ANA means incoming breath and APANA means out going breath. The technique of keeping attention focused on ANA-incoming breath and APANA-outgoing breath, simply observing the natural flow without any imaginations or evaluation, without trying to change, regulate or controll it, is Anapana meditation. This scientific technique of pure objective observation leads to Right Awareness and Right Concentration then further to all personal growth.

ANAPANA, without any restriction of caste, creed, nationality, religious belief & faith, can be practiced by anyone at any time of the day, any place.

Regular practice of Anapana Meditation for just 10 min twice every day, at home and/or in school-college, can easily achieve the objective of MITRA Project.

Vipassana Research Institute has designed an easy to implement orientation training program & daily practice sessions for teachers & students. Anapna is easy to learn through guided instructions. Mitra Training Material is freely available on MITRA Upakram Mobile app from Google play store or from http://www.mitraupakram.net/mitra_training.jsp.

A simple format of delivery has been designed with the support of Vipassana Research Institute (VRI), where after an initial training of 70 mins, the school children can practice this technique daily for 10 mins before starting of school and repeat the practice for 10 mins before leaving for home. At least one teachers in each schools is to be trained as MITRA Teacher to carry out schools level trainings & daily practice which the main activity of the MITRA Project.

  • Increased awareness and concentration
  • Improved self discipline, self confidence and decision making ability
  • Reduction in the tendency of restlessness and laziness
  • Reduction in the tendency of having indifference, disinterest & depression
  • Feelings of love & compassion for others
  • Increased memory & improved understanding
  • Improved creativity and productivity
  • Reduction in self doubt and inferiority complex
  • Reduced stress, worry, fear, anger, craving, aversion
  • Feeling energetic and joyful

The beneficial effect of Anapana can also be seen as improved academic performance and overall qualitative positive transformation in the student.

  • Effort & Time to calm & silence the students in the class is saved
  • Reduced effort & energy to discipline the students
  • More pleasure & enthusiasm while teaching as students are more receptive
  • Improved sense of mental & physical wellbeing.
  • More satisfaction and mental calmness
  • Reduced work Stress and Tension
  • More effectiveness & confidence, Improved creativity and productivity
  • Better interpersonal relation & goodwill

Regular practice is essential to achieve that.

How to implement MITRA Upakram In school/College?

For starting MITRA program in School/College it is essential to have Program Resource Person

To start MITRA Project in school/college, it is useful & necessary to have at least one Trained Teacher as Resource Person responsible for implementation of MITRA Project. A teacher who has completed a 10 day Vipassana course or at least 1 day MITRA Project training be made the Resource Person.

1. Formation of MITRA committee/Team – School/college level team may be formed to assist the recourse person in implementation of Mitra Project. Principal /Supervisor, Resource Person, two parent-teacher representatives, two local Vipassana meditators, two students a girl and a boy could form the MITRA team.

2. MITRA orientation Training for teachers : All facility members including Principal, supervisor and interested parents should be given full information about the Mitra Project & orientation training of Anapana Meditation using Mitra Training Material.

3. MITRA orientation Training for students : At the beginning of every semester students and teachers should be given Anapana orientation training. How to practice every day should be explained or any queries /doubts should be cleared.

4. Daily Anapana Practice : This is the main & most important essential activity of MITRA. Every day in the morning & evening at home & at the beginning and end of

    Approx time 3 hours
  • Introduction to MITRA 5 minutes
  • Discourse for parent and teachers: 55 minutes audio CD.
  • Introduction of Anapana which will be taught to students: 70 minutes audio tracks.
  • Practice session for 10 mins
  • Planning & Making Arrangements for Training of students & daily practice

  • Session I – Introduction 16 min
    1. For students from 5th to 8th standard : Folder 1
    2. For students of 9th and 10th standard : Folder 2
  • Session II -Practice session I:13 min.
  • Session III – Practice session II:15 min.
  • Session IV – Discourse & Metta:19 min.
  • Session V – Practice session:10 min.
  • After each session the break of 1 or 2 minutes may be given. However, students should not be allowed to leave there seats.

    • After completion of initial Anapana Training, daily practice should be started with the students. School teachers, headmaster, staff must also participate.
    • This daily practice has to be done for 10 mins when the schools starts during assembly after National anthem and 10 mins when schools ends before students leave for home.
    • For 10 mins practice, tracks are provided in the training CD, which may be played through a CD player, or copied on the mobile phones/ PC and played via them.
    • In schools where centralized Public Announcement audio system with speaker in each class room/ corridor is available, practice can be in classrooms immediately after national anthem and before closure of school. The Anapana practice sound track can be stored in a mobile phones of teachers & used for daily practice in classrooms.

    The schools committee to check the at least once every semester the changes/benefits to the students & assess the effectiveness of the program.

    All primary & secondary schools in Maharashtra , and are covered under this Program. All students from 5th to 10th standard & all teachers are to participate in this Program.

    At least one teacher per schools is to be trained as to carry out schools level trainings & daily practice which the main activity of the MITRA Project.

    Government resolutions & Guidelines.

    The Government of Maharashtra has issued circulars, notifications and Govt Resolutions ( GR) link from time to time for Education & other all concerned Departments like Social welfare/ Tribal development/ Women & child welfare. These departs have also issued their circulars, notifications and Govt Resolutions ( GR) for their officers. The Government has defined a clear structure with committeesat state/ district/ Taluka-Tahsil & school levels , their tasks & responsibilities are also defined in the circular. For More details see GR dated 27 Jan 2012 MPSP( Maharashtra praathamik ShikshaNa Parishad) is appointment of Nodal agency see GR dated 18/4/2013 Officers responsible at district/ Taluka-Tahsil & block-Kendra levels for effective implantation of MITRA Project are also specified. For More details see GR dated 1 Nov 2012 &5/1/13

    Contact Us

    Center Address :
    Sangli Vipassana Meditation Centre,
    ‘Dhammasugandha’ Gat No. 564, 5 No. Talaav Road,
    Near Yallama Temple, Khamkarwadi, A/p. Bhose, Tal. Miraj,
    Dist. Sangli - 416420 [Maharashtra]
    Mob. : 9222161236, 7249711008, 9665633345

    Office Mailing Address :
    Sangli Vipassana Meditation Centre,
    C/o. Chougule-Patil Consultants Pvt. Ltd.,
    Studio 8-8-8, Local Board Colony,
    Behind Tata Petrol Pump, Miraj Road, Sangli - 416416

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    Vipassana Research Institute Vipassana Research Institute